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Version: 3.10.0-beta.10 (Latest)

Commands Manager


The CommandsManager is a class defined in the @ohif/core project. The Commands Manager tracks named commands (or functions) that are scoped to a context. When we attempt to run a command with a given name, we look for it in our active contexts, in the order specified. If found, we run the command, passing in any application or call specific data specified in the command's definition.

The order specified is the REVERSE of the order the modules are registered in for the mode dependency. That is, the last module registered has the highest priority and will be searched first for commands. This has nothing to do with when the command itself is registered, although registrations for the same command in different modules in the same context will also use last registration wins.

Note: A single instance of CommandsManager should be defined in the consuming application, and it is used when constructing the ExtensionManager.

A simplified skeleton of the CommandsManager is shown below:

export class CommandsManager {
contexts = {};
contextOrder = [];

constructor(_ignoredConfig) {}

getContext(contextName) {
const context = this.contexts[contextName];
return context;


createContext(contextName) {
/** ... **/
this.contexts[contextName] = {};
this.contextOrder.push at beginning(contextName)

registerCommand(contextName, commandName, definition) {
const context = this.getContext(contextName);
context[commandName] = definition;

getCommand(commandName, contextName) {
const useContext = contextName || first context having commandName in contextOrder
return useContext[commandName];

runCommand(commandName, options = {}, contextName) {
const definition = this.getCommand(commandName, contextName);
const { commandFn } = definition;
const commandParams = Object.assign(
definition.options, // "Command configuration"
options // "Time of call" info
return commandFn(commandParams);


No methods or configuration is used within the construction.

Commands/Context Registration​

The ExtensionManager handles registering commands and creating contexts, so you don't need to register all your commands manually. Simply, create a commandsModule in your extension, and it will get automatically registered in the context provided.

A simplified version of this registration is shown below to give an idea about the process.

export default class ExtensionManager {
constructor({ commandsManager }) {
this._commandsManager = commandsManager
/** ... **/
registerExtension = (extension, configuration = {}, dataSources = []) => {
let extensionId =
/** ... **/

// Register Modules provided by the extension
moduleTypeNames.forEach((moduleType) => {
const extensionModule = this._getExtensionModule(

if (moduleType === 'commandsModule') {
/** registering other modules **/

_initCommandsModule = (extensionModule) => {
let { definitions, defaultContext } = extensionModule
defaultContext = defaultContext || 'VIEWER'

if (!this._commandsManager.getContext(defaultContext)) {

Object.keys(definitions).forEach((commandName) => {
const commandDefinition = definitions[commandName]
const commandHasContextThatDoesNotExist =
commandDefinition.context &&

if (commandHasContextThatDoesNotExist) {

commandDefinition.context || defaultContext,

If you find yourself in a situation where you want to register a command/context manually, ask yourself "why can't I register these commands via an extension?", but if you insist, you can use the CommandsManager API to do so:

// Command Registration
commandsManager.registerCommand('context', 'name', commandDefinition);

// Context Creation

CommandsManager Public API​

If you would like to run a command in the consuming app or an extension, you can use runCommand(commandName, options = {}, contextName).

// Run a command, it will run all the `speak` commands in all contexts
commandsManager.runCommand('speak', { command: 'hello' });

// Run command, from Default context
commandsManager.runCommand('speak', { command: 'hello' }, 'DEFAULT');

// Returns all commands for a given context